Metal Roofing Materials and Wall Systems

The residential metal roofing market represents the fastest growing segment of metal roofing. Residential homeowners are increasingly recognizing metal roofing’s advantages in durability, energy efficiency, and sustainability (green product). Additionally, recent advances in residential metal roof paint technology provide residential homeowners with a wide array of vibrant and long-lasting metal roofing colors to complement almost any roofing design of a residential home. Union offers a selection of the most popular residential metal roofing products, metal roofing systems and metal roofing materials available today.

Residential Metal Roofing Options

MasterRib commercial and residential metal roofing
Most popular 5-rib panel for residential and post-frame applications
5v residential metal roofing
Traditional five "V" profile used for generations
SL150 residential metal roofing
1.50" (1-1/2") rib height, 16" coverage snap lock standing seam
Advantage-Lok II
Advantage-Lok residential metal roofing systems
1.00" rib height, 16" coverage standing seam with integral screw flange


Residential Metal Roofing


Post-Frame/AGRICULTURAL Metal Roofing

Commercial / Industrial Metal Roofing
